Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Vision Without Glasses

Some people feel that wearing glasses and contact lenses will affect their work, some might feel the need to be 20/20 to be able to enlist in the armed forces, some might just want to fix their bad vision, which they can’t do without their glasses plus lenses. Unless they do laser eye surgery that will cost a lot and without any guarantee that it will work, the possibility of getting their vision back to normal is minimal. Not to mention dangerous with its side effects.

Vision Without Glasses, which uses the study conducted by Dr. William H. Bates who is an optical doctor and perfected by Duke Peterson, an ophthalmologist who until he discovered Dr. Bates’ didn’t actually know that our vision can be improved naturally, without surgery. Here he compiled all the methods that you can do to improve your vision, such as:
-    The proper usage of contact lenses and glasses that won’t damage your sight
-    15 minutes a day exercise that will force your visual system to work together and self-correct itself
-    60 second fool proof relief from eye strain and headaches without resorting to drugs or pills or any other harmful chemical substances

Acquire your 20/20 sight back with Vision Without Glasses methods which are easy to do and has been successfully applied to many patients including senior citizens!